The ultimate social media site? Google+ (Review)
Wow! I was just introduced by @OrmigaDesign to Google+. I keep hearing on Twitter about the release of Google+ , but never really paid attention to it.
Why is Google creating Google+?
The background as I understand it is Google has been working to compete with Facebook and the like. And if you're like me, you've been thinking--who cares? What does it matter what social media site is 'top of the pops' this year? Whatever the trend is, we'll all start to follow it; who cares who is running the show?
There have been all kinds of trends on the interent--Google+ brings them all together.
Do you remember when we used to connect by Modem and chat on PowWow instead of calling eachother? Then email was the major social connector; then ICQ, which MSN soon took over. There was a whole wave of MySpace which passed me by before Facebook started attracting a wider (older) audience. We all liked Facebook because you stopped receiving "here is my new email address" email changes from EVERYONE when we all became disenchanted with Hotmail and switched to Gmail.
So I guess it was only a matter of time before Google triumphed in social media.
You still need to have your friends' email addresses -- simply just for sending e-vites and things like that on the web. And email addresses are still essential for sensitive material, like sending letters of sympathy when you're abroad (or there's a Canadian postal strike).
Who should care about Google+?
You just have check out these Google+ videos. The video content has been copywritten and is powerfully teamed with great visuals. In short the videos are presented in the stylish way we've come to expect from Google.
The online content of the videos is relevant to what Google's audiences care about. The message content is well-constructed so there is logical flow. All of your questions and objections are answered. (And by the way, if you want to be like Google, that's just one or two benefits of using a superior copywriting company right there.)
My mouth is literally watering with the ingenuity of the way Google presents information. (I especially love how they have based the Google+ platform around the problems with Facebook). These videos will give you a full overview of what is possible with Google+, but here's why I'm especially excited about Google+...
What will make Google+ on The World Wide Web so Mind-Blowingly Awesome:
1) Now you can make "Circles" which allow you simply drag and drop people into links so you can choose who you share updates, photos and information with. (No more of Facebook's shoddy "lists" you have full control!)
2) Know how in university you used to just pass the time aimlessly hanging around friends' couches, but now you're all over the world and you can't? Now you can use "hangouts" to join webcams between multiple friends. This is isn't something you can do on Skype.
3) You can use "huddle" (as in a 'team huddle') when you want to quickly text between friends so that you can all decide quickly where you want to meet, like for dinner tonight, without getting lost in the SMS/Email world of "who said what first or last?"
4) Google has an incredible reputation. I doubt they'll keep changing privacy and "group" vs "page" vs "paid advertising" rules on you all the time. For once with their awesome video explanations you'll always know exactly where you should post.
5) You can now fully integrate Picassa and your gmail accounts. So you have your social media, photos, email and your Skype all in one place. I predict this is seriously going to rock (even though I still don't prefer Gmail to Hotmail).
So What's next for Google+ before we all start using it?
I predict that the real testing point for Google+ which will determine whether it really catches on will be the "sign in with your Google+ account" prompt from every website.
P.s. This article was much longer than I meant to make it--but I just got uber excited!
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