Why a Company Blog for Food and Beverage Companies is Critical

October 04, 2018 |   2 minute read


Why a Company Blog for Food and Beverage Companies is Critical

Food and beverage companies need effective distributors of your whole product line. You also need a substantial brand following so your food and beverage product is in higher demand. The beauty is, these two things can work together. Get consumers to want your product and at the same time, educate Distributors how to push your product more. Great, so how and where do you start? A company blog.

Blogging about the story behind your food and beverage company, for example, will increase awareness amongst your target audience - something you need to happen now. If business blogging is new to you, don’t worry, “How to Start Blogging” is a great introduction.

company blog for your food and beverage business

3 Ways Blogging Will Increase Food and Beverage Companies Sales

1. Educate the Right Distributors

Use your company blog to appeal to the right distributors by showing and educating them on all the products you sell. The more they know about your product line and recognizing who will buy it; the more you will sell. Also show distributors your food and beverage company is not too small to do business with. Leverage a blog to show off your entire product line and get it into the hands of the right customers.

2.   Connect With Very Specific High Quality Targets

Establish who your target audiences are and develop personas to have in mind, in your content marketing strategy (and your company blog). Know their specific needs and wants and show how your product solves them.  If you aren’t exactly sure how to do this now is the time to learn. Inbound marketing experts like Tangible Words can help you leverage tracking software like HubSpot to lead you to more insight on the people who already love your products.  

3. Analytics to Show Results

Investors in your food and beverage company want to see the results of your efforts and you can’t afford to ballpark the ROI of your content.  There’s empirical data you can track to see the success of your blogging strategy: measure and benchmark your online efforts with blogging analytics so you can see your Return on Investment (ROI).

Need More Help With Your Food and Beverage Companies Blog?

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