5 Online Techniques To Attract Tourists To Your Ontario Region
Your amazing tourist region is a destination worthy of any bucket list but you still need to work to attract tourists to your Ontario region. You have interesting activities, friendly staff, and lots of support from local businesses. The people who do visit seem to have a great time and post lots of photos on Facebook.
But you’re still not hitting your revenue targets. You wonder how to attract more regional, international and local visitors to provide consistent bookings. You want to clearly communicate how great your destination is online to reach a wider audience.
Here Are 5 Ways To Attract Tourists To Your Ontario Region Online
1. Review Your Tourism Website Design
Review your existing tourism website with the information below in mind:
- Figure out if your tourism website already attracts visitors and why. Keep the simple information that is working, such as hours, fees, program schedule, contact info and maps.
- If you struggle with how to create content that travellers want to read, check out these tourism website tips.
- Check out these additional questions you need to ask yourself when designing a tourist friendly website.
Why is a tourist using your website? | Which website tools work best for tourism? | When do I need to hire professional website design services?
Ensure each page of your tourism website is unique to avoid duplicate content, which will lower search engine ranking, making it harder for people to find you. Help nature seekers find your outdoor tourist destination online. Include interesting content about shoulder season attractions on your tourism website to get more bookings.
2. Plan Your Content Management Strategy With Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing means becoming customer-oriented. You research who your target market is and find out what their needs are. You create a buyer persona for each type of person in that target market. Knowing your target market and buyer persona helps you attract more tourists to your Ontario tourist region.
Then, develop a content marketing strategy to provide prospective tourists with quality content about topics they are already researching. This builds trust and rapport to create long-term relationships. Your inbound marketing will attract more tourists to your Ontario tourist region. Plan a content strategy ahead to free up more time for day to day operations.
You are already great at telling people about your tourist destination in person. When you understand your tourist persona, just transfer those skills when creating online content. Show potential visitors what opportunities for activities they will have here, and some unique reasons why they will enjoy your tourist destination.
3. Provide Content To Your Prospective Tourists At Every Stage Of The Buyer’s Journey
A content marketing strategy includes what to say, where to post, and how often you update. This will ensure that you have good communication - and nurture customer relationships - with a defined purpose and strong results. Set SMART goals for your content marketing strategy that are in line with your organization’s overall mission.
Develop new content ideas to attract local and foreign tourists to your Ontario tourist region. Here are 7 things about foreign tourists your Ontario region should know.
4. Use Social Media, Blogging & Email To Get More Consistent Sales Bookings
Use your tourism website as a home base, and include access to any of the following links:
Social Media: Here are some useful social media tools for Ontario tourism marketing. Be sure to use Facebook and Twitter to get more tourist bookings for your Ontario tourist region. You will gain more followers as a tourism expert.
Blogging: Here are 3 reasons an Ontario tourism blog is a good investment. Blogging adds value to your tourism website - start today!
Email: Emails are still a great way to stay in touch with prospective tourists and keep your content at the top of their inbox. When sending emails, here are 3 ways to create email subject lines that attract tourists to your Ontario tourist region.
5. Distribute Content To Promote Your Ontario Tourist Region
Here are some additional resources you can use for inspiration:
- Check out this beginner’s guide to marketing your tourist destination.
- Read how adding or improving access to high speed internet in rural areas will help Ontario tourism.
- Keep apprised of destination marketing trends.
- Develop an elevator pitch that provides a brief statement to attract tourists to your Ontario tourist destination.
- Learn how to turn objections into opportunities when communicating with prospective tourists.
- Consider hosting a tourism conference to set your Ontario tourist region apart.
Yes, it takes time and energy. In 100 years, Ontario tourism marketers will still have to work hard but by combining free content offers with the above strategies, you will definitely attract more tourists to your Ontario tourist region.
Here's More Ways To Attract Tourists To Your Ontario Region
You'll learn how to use your website to build your relationship with your target audience, and attract tourists to your Ontario region:
- Understand what your website is communicating when you’re not around.
- Why your website turns people away, and what to do about it…
- The 3 reasons investors will choose you.
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