Face-to-face v.s. Virtual Sales Meetings
Meeting with your clients have got easier with virtual meeting technology making it feel like you’re in the same room… almost. So now you have a choice in making connections: face-to-face or virtual sales meetings?
Which Has Better Sales Techniques? Face to Face v.s. Virtual Meetings
Both face to face and virtual meetings have their benefits for your clients and for you.
Face to face meetings offer a human connection and an atmosphere that lets you talk a little freer than maybe you’re comfortable with online. Plus a lunch at a nice restaurant or camaraderie around a meeting table can be the most effective way to get what’s needed from your meeting.
Virtual connections can happen faster without the limitations of travel and venues. And, you can create an interactive atmosphere online with participants from across the world contributing to your tasks, like finalizing a document in real time (not through email). Plus you’ll have shareable content you can all refer to when you’ve disconnected.
Three Questions To Consider Before You Book A Face To Face Or Virtual Sales Meeting
What are you trying to accomplish? If you’ve never met your client before, a face-to-face meeting gives you a familiarity you can carry over into virtual meetings as your relationship evolves. But if you’re just touching base and maybe need a couple of people to clarify details on a project, a quick video conference can make everyone’s life easier.
How will it affect attendance? If the only way you’re going to get all the people you need in one spot for a meeting is online, set it up. What you lose in face-to-face interaction can be gained by getting the input you need from everyone you need it from. Just need 30 minutes of a CEO's time? Head to her office and focus on your meeting with no distractions, miscommunications or unreadable body language that can plague a virtual connection.
Are you more confident face-to-face or online? You can consider yourself sometimes too and choose a meeting setting that gives you the best chance for success. Are you a people person who relishes the human connection? Go face to face more often than not. Or, can you use technology to get what you need by creating a virtual meeting setting that puts your clients at ease and delivers what they need? Show off your leadership and technology skills with a glitch-free video conference.
When you’re making your choice, knowing your client and how they like to meet is the ultimate deciding factor. If you know CEO X is a face-to-face deal maker, go there. If small business owner Y only has time for a Skype chat between deliveries and bookkeeping, make it happen.
Successful Meetings Depend On You, Regardless of How You Get Together
Know the client, understand the circumstances and plan the meeting to get the results you’re looking for, no matter the venue. Distracted attendees at your virtual meeting? Keep it interesting and keep them engaged. Costly travel time? Budget for it and consider whether the cost savings of a virtual meeting might be lost if a face-to-face would have sealed the deal.
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