Blogging Will Benefit Your Business but How to Start Blogging?

January 17, 2017 |   2 minute read

Blogging Will Benefit Your Business but How to Start Blogging?

Google reads your website to make sure you are the expert online in your field. Demonstrating your Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (EEAT) is a key indicator that your business is legitimate and good for the user. And rank your higher in Google searches. But how do you continually ensure that Google's "spiders" always see you as the expert? One way is through blogging. This way, you have frequent, unique content about what you sell and also provides a place for potential customers to start trusting you and your brand.

Not sure what you're supposed to write and who's reading it anyway? Work on identifying your unique selling features, pinpointing your area of expertise, and showing why your business is a solution. Use this information to hone in on your ideal customer, and then write for them. 

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How to Start Blogging for Your Business from Scratch

If not blogging for your business is holding you back from reaching your target audience, you've got some options to move on now.  While AI offers a quick fix to fill the blogging gaps and has its uses, you'll still need some people to help you get started. The great thing is you can start with your own people. But first, read why you need to start blogging for your business.

Has your company been avoiding blogging? Oh will that affect your business online?


Here are 5 Ways Business Blogging Will Help You Sell More Online.

blogging for business image

  1. Identify your business as an expert (or trusted adviser). Encourage customers to consult you before they invest with somebody else.
  2. Nurture customer relationships online. Be interactive with customers online. You'll archive a history of valuable customer service that others can see.
  3. Measure and track your online success with blogging analytics to see your Return On Energy.
  4. Achieve consistent brand personality. Easily integrate and link your social media marketing campaigns.
  5. Rank your business higher in Search Engine lists as dynamic websites like blogs that can be Search Engine Optimized (SEO' ed).
Need some blog post ideas? Look at your FAQs or ask your salespeople what questions they're asked most. Write a different blog to address each concern. To make it less daunting, start with the five most asked questions and include an opportunity for you to help them further, such as a free consultation. From there, start work to create a long-term content strategy. There's help for that, too.

What's The Secret To Keeping A Blog Healthy, Active and Vital to Your Online Marketing Strategy?

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