The Complete Guide to Spectacular Sales Techniques You Need Right Now

September 20, 2022 |   5 minute read


The Complete Guide to Spectacular Sales Techniques You Need Right Now

Sales tips and tricks are all over the internet — but how do you narrow down which ones actually work, and which to prioritize in your plan for company growth? At Tangible Words, our team of marketing and sales experts has developed a cohesive strategy for spectacular sales growth, and inbound marketing is a major player. 

Inbound marketing exists to make sales easier, and create a cohesive company flow from one department to the other. Inbound engages and warms up your leads so that your salespeople can close more sales, more quickly. But how do you use inbound marketing techniques as powerful sales tools on your website and in pitching your business? 

Read on to learn more about sales pitching, sales tools, and effective sales techniques from the sales and inbound experts at Tangible Words. 

Table of Contents

1. Using Your Website as a Sales Tool

  1. Improving Your Website's Sales Potential
  2. Creating Powerful Sales Videos
  3. Writing a Great Call-to-action to Turn Leads into Sales

2. Perfecting Your Sales Pitch

  1. Why People Buy
  2. Using a Sales Pitch at Conferences
  3. Making the Most of Your Sales Meetings
  4. Try Driving Sales with New Leads Using a Sales Plan

Using Your Website as a Sales Tool

One of the key connections between sales and inbound marketing and sales is a powerful website. Most transactions happen online — if you're not using your website as a sales tool, you're losing sales. 

Improving Your Website's Sales Potential

Now that you've got the basics down, you can dive into optimizing your website's sales potential. Maintaining your website as a valuable sales tool takes consistent updates, regular clean-ups and engaging content creation. Learn how. 

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Creating Powerful Sales Videos

Sales videos are a powerful way to capture people's attention and deliver a strong brand message. Aesthetics and video quality are important, but when it comes down to it, your video success is all about messaging and copywriting: inbound marketing essentials. Writing a good script for your video tells the viewer quickly and unequivocally what you offer and how you're going to meet their needs.

Writing a Great Call-to-action to Turn Leads into Sales

CTAs are the golden key to inbound marketing — and sales on your website. Writing a great call to action gets you hot leads who are interested in your brand and product. Good call-to-actions need:

  1. Action — what do customers need to DO to access your offer?
  2. Message — WHY should customers want your offer? Clear, concise, and engaging copy is essential.
  3. Graphics — a picture is worth a thousand words. Use graphics to entice potential leads.
  4. Testing — always split-test your CTAs to see what draws more clicks and form submissions. 

Having a selection of awesome, enticing CTAs presented front and centre on your website can help you funnel leads into your sales pipeline. 

Perfecting Your Sales Pitch

Why People Buy

Why do people buy your products or services? In a now-famous Ted Talk, Simon Sinek says that it's about "why you do what you do." Part of perfecting your sales pitch is knowing your company — and your story — inside out. When you're testing out your sales pitch to different investors and buyers, try to focus on the motivation and inspiration behind your work. This is a key aspect of inbound marketing — mapping out your mission, vision, values, and customer profiles allows you to focus on your story, rather than just your functional business plan or profit generation.

Using a Sales Pitch at Conferences

Conferences and tradeshows are key places to pitch your business to industry professionals and thought leaders. But when you only have a minute (or less!) amid the fray of hundreds or even thousands of people to pitch your business, you have to nail your sales pitch on the head every time. 

Be specific: know who you're pitching to and adapt your 15-second pitch to their interests and needs.

Do your research: research who will be at the event, and pitch to them specifically. Find out why they need your product, and tell them how it solves problems for them. 

Speak plainly: avoid industry jargon or overly fancy words. Communicate with plain, emotive language and conviction in your voice. 

Making the Most of Your Sales Meetings

Sales meetings are another tricky spot where you have to adapt your pitch and sales techniques to the needs and wants of the client. While Covid interrupted any and all face-to-face meetings in the last few years, we are gradually seeing a return to in-person (or hybrid) work set-ups. So the question remains: should you meet in person for your sales meeting, or on screen?

Virtual meetings are inexpensive and convenient, but sometimes traveling (near or far) to meet face-to-face can solidify a relationship with a potential client and lock in a sale (or sales). Consider your cost-benefit analysis, pre-existing relationships with the lead, and the vibe of the person you're meeting with. Make sure that the potential client feels accommodated and cared for. 

Try Driving Sales with New Leads Using a Sales Plan 

Tradeshows and conferences are more about making connections than closing deals.  If you’re heading to any trade shows in your industry this season, such as the Ontario East Municipal Conference (OEMC), you need a solid sales plan — including how to make sure the day out of the office brings immediate and long-term value to your organization. 


Want More Sales Techniques to Grow Your Business?

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