Good Writing for Bad Reading: Company Blog Best Practices

If you’re looking to learn some company blog best practices, consider this sentence: “Data pinpoints the overlap between property taxpayer service versus sensitivity to property tax increase.”
Did you understand it the first time?
Maybe you did. But not everyone will, and this points to a major factor that might be missing from your blog content: it’s not bad-reader-ready (or BRR). Oh yes, it’s a real thing, and one you should definitely be aware of if you want your company blog to be successful.
The fact of the matter is, how we read online is different from how we read a physical book. Online, everything is about speed, simplicity and skimming. We’re conditioned to take in the information we read online as quickly and efficiently as possible.
So, when it comes to the example sentence used above—which would by all means be fine for print—it’s likely you’ll lose your online audience faster than they can finish the sentence in the first place.
Fortunately, there’s simple steps you can take to ensure your company blog is bad-reader-ready.
Company Blog Best Practices to be Bad-Reader-Ready
Of course, there are tons of actions you can take to improve your company blog overall. Tangible Words has a whole library of blog posts on using your blog to sell more, build relationships and even recruit talent.
When it comes to BRR, however, there are 3 company blog best practices you can implement right now to optimize your content.
1. Keep It Simple
Reading online should be a quick and easy process. A key piece of advice for online writing help is to make your language as manageable and digestible for readers as possible.
Avoid flourishes of complicated vocabulary. For instance, a better way to phrase the previous sentence would be: “stay away from big, complex words when possible”.
Simple language also makes your work more accessible for readers who might not understand English as a first language.
2. Use a Sounding Board
Your work might seem like easy reading according to you, but you’re an expert!
Ask someone you trust to be a sounding board (or guinea pig, if you will) for your blog content. Preferably, this person will not be 100% familiar with your content. Perhaps it’s a colleague who isn’t involved with online sales and marketing, or perhaps it’s the spouse of a trusted employee.
Getting the opinion of an uninitiated person will help you determine whether or not your blog content is accessible to the layman, and can be a major source of online writing help.
3. Outsource Content Creation
Asking for help is never a bad thing! You might be the expert on your business and its benefits and features, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you can write about it in a way that’s bad-reader-ready. And that’s perfectly OK.
Deciding to outsource content creation by partnering with a third party can help you build an engaging company blog that shows off your expertise. Professional copywriters are masters of bad-reader-ready, and can make jargon sound like plain speech.
Seeking out online writing help can take the pressure off. Tell us about your goals for your company blog. We’ll work with you to achieve them, and launch an exciting blog that can not only spread the good word about your company, but also drive general traffic to your business’s website.
Don’t Have a Company Blog? Learn How to Get Started
All of the above company blog best practices and advice won’t count for much if you’re still waiting to start.
Learn the secret to maintaining a healthy, active blog that’s integral to your business—both on and offline—with our FREE e-book.
This useful resource also contains tips for further improvements!
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