What is Web 2.0 and how to effectively use content in your business?

June 25, 2012 |   4 minute read

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What is Web 2.0 and how to effectively use content in your business?

If your business is online, then you will have heard the term 'Web 2.0'. The important question: is your business Web 2.0?

What is Web 2.0?

In the past, most people put up a website, and then leave it static for years and years. There were very few changes made on the content and very little interaction with online readers.

With Web 2.0, everything online needs to be interactive, unique and fresh. No longer can you have a website that has been the same for the past 20 years. This includes, unique, and informative content on your website that is geared to your clients rather than you! What I mean is, stop talking about how many years experience you have, and all you have done, but talk about the problems your clients are having and the benefits you can provide them. This is only one of the copywriting techniques to use. But your website is only the first step.

Then there is the Social Media engagement needed. Having a Blog, Facebook page, Twitter, Google +, Linked In etc. And you can't just open it and keep it static. It needs to have unique content and you need to interact with your potential clients online.

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun... Image via CrunchBase


Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...
Then there is blogging. Do you have a business blog? This is a fantastic way to nurture your relationships online and develop trust with your online clients. If you aren't sure about blogging, take a look at this blogging series.
Other ideas and tips on business blogging:
Offer: Comment on this post, and get a free phone consultation to discuss your Web 2.0 strategies.