Here’s How To Get People To Notice You On Twitter
August 04, 2016 | 2 minute read

Twitter’s great - but how to do you make sure you get traction?
Here Are 7 Quick Tips to Get People to Notice You on Twitter.
- Reply (in a meaningful way) to someone else’s tweet.
- Participate in pre-scheduled Tweetchats - make sure you always use the Tweetchat’s designated hashtag, e.g. #OEMC2022.
- Use a hashtag like #OEMC2022, which people are already using, in your tweet. (Watch for "Learn to Understand What The #%^ is a Hashtag" coming soon.
- Mention another Twitter user (that means name drop another Twitter user by putting the @ symbol in front of their account name: e.g. “Here’s a photo of me and @TangibleWords at TasteofTheTown #OEMC2022! (See, @CAO, I am working!)”
- As a Twitter user, you will get notifications of other people interacting with you on Twitter. Make sure you interact back with anyone who likes your Tweet, who follows you, or who retweets you. You will get notifications for all 3 of these actions: don’t ignore them!
Note: Here’s how to meaningfully interact back with these profiles who have noticed you: You can go to their profile, add them to a (public or private) list so you can read their tweets whenever you want, follow them, “heart” (i.e. like) posts on their feed, or reply to posts on their profile. - Make your Tweets “Retweet-worthy” to get people to notice you on Twitter. People typically retweet or quote tweets that are interesting to their followers, that say something they care about, or that they agree/disagree with.
- Read more about how to use Twitter to attract attention.
You can accomplish at least 5 of these all at once simply by participating in the Tweetchat. To Participate, just use the Tweetchat’s hashtag.
Still hesitant to use Twitter at conferences?
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